Important Dates & Deadlines
Below are key dates and deadlines to be aware of in this matter
Claim Filing Deadline
This is the only way you may receive benefits from this Settlement.
Exclusion Deadline
You will receive no payment, but you will retain any rights you currently have with respect to Defendant and the issues in this case.
Objection Deadline
Write to the Court explaining why you do not agree with the Settlement.
Final Approval Hearing
The Court will hold the Final Approval Hearing on April 28, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. in the North Carolina Business Court courtroom, Elon Law School, 201 North Greene Street, Greensboro, NC. The purpose of the hearing is for the Court to determine whether the Settlement is fair, reasonable, adequate, and in the best interests of the Class. At the hearing, the Court will hear any objections and arguments concerning the fairness of the proposed Settlement, including those related to the amount requested by Class Counsel for attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses and the Service Award Payment to the Class Representatives.
Note: The date and time of the Final Approval Hearing are subject to change by Court Order. You should check the Settlement Website to confirm the date and time have not been changed.